Catégorie : Articles in english

Encounters? The De missione dialogus, its Cosmographic Discourses, and the Global Projection of Christian Europe’s Alleged Superiority

Angelo Cattaneo [1] Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Abstract This essay analyses the epistemological foundations of the use and functions of cosmography, geography and cartography in the De missione dialogus as a way to sustain the European moral and scientific alleged superiority with…Read More »

Musing on the sources. Contemptus mundi in Japan, 1596

Aiko Okamoto-MacPhail [1] Indiana University Abstract: The Tenshō Mission organized by Alessandro Valignano S. J. brought one or several books written by Luis de Granada translated into Japanese to Granada when they visited this Dominican friar in Lisbon. The purpose of my…Read More »

Representing Catholic Europe: Alessandro Valignano and De Missione (1590)

Carlo Pelliccia [1] Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma (UNINT) Abstract: The following article examines the information that De Missione (Macau, 1590) means to convey to Japan about Catholic Europe. This work narrates the journey West of four boys from the Arima seminary…Read More »