Presentation of CECIL
Focusing on the Iberian and Ibero-American sphere, the Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines covers a period from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era deal with the cultural productions of different societies, through literature, painting, music, graphic or cinematographic representations. It deals also with the media induced by new technologies. In addition, social and cultural history are among the main highlights of the journal, which analyses cultural phenomena in the Hispanic and Portuguese areas and in the colonies and societies that emerged from colonization.
The Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines are published annually. CECIL has international editorial and reading committees. The journal covers the Iberian and Ibero-American fields of research. Moreover, the contributions analyze social, cultural or aesthetic phenomena, from the Medieval period to the Contemporary Era. The journal is aimed at an academic audience (researchers, teachers and students). It is an online production with free access.
Publication rules
Unsolicited submissions of articles are welcome. Contributions may be written in French, English, Spanish or Portuguese, on themes related to the arts, literature, history, anthropology or sociology from Iberian and Latin American countries.
The articles are original contributions; they are submitted to the plagiarism checker, in accordance with the usual standards. All contributions are selected for peer review and are sent to at least two independent reviewers. At the end of the evaluation process, the editorial board assesses the revised version. If substantial modification were required, a third evaluation is realised once these have been carried out and the editorial board assesses its inclusion in the issue.
The Pdf issues of the journal are subject to a preservation policy and are included in the CECIL collection hosted on the HAL CNRS server [link].
The Cahiers d’études des cultures ibériques et latino-américaines follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics, the COPE (Code of Conduct and Best Practices Guidelines for Journals Editors)
Editorial Standards
Articles shall have a maximum length of 6,000 words. Each article, including material from proceedings of workshops, symposiums or calls for papers, is subject to a double-blind evaluation. Please note that our experts are external to the editorial board. Submission and publication are free of charge. The journal is funded by the IRIEC EA740 team endowments (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3).
For a preview of the style sheet, click here or contact us at cecil(at)
The journal CECIL is currently included in the following indexes and databases: BnF, ERIH+, HAL-CNRS, Latindex, MIAR, MLA Directory of Periodicals, REDIB, Sherpa Romeo, Road, Sudoc, WorldCat, Mir@bel.
Publication of calls and receipt of contributions
The editorial board publishes a call for papers corresponding to each new issue on the journal’s website and on various international mailing lists (Fabula, MLA, etc.). The proposals (about 3000 signs long), will be accompanied by a short bibliography and a short presentation by the author. Authors may send their presentation in a separate file to facilitate the anonymisation of proposals. Proposals may be sent to the following address: cecil(at) The call for contributions specifies the publication deadlines in case of selection. Authors may submit proposals and articles in one of the four languages accepted by the journal: French, English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Within 15 working days after the submission deadline, the editorial board will hold a first meeting to select the articles. Each proposal is presented anonymously to the entire editorial board and its acceptance is subject to a vote by after deliberation. The CECIL editorial board evaluates the submitted proposals according to their relevance to the current call for contributions, the originality of their corpus and their approach. An email is sent to the authors to inform them of the acceptance or rejection of their proposal.
Authors whose proposal has been accepted have three months to write the article and send it to the journal’s editorial secretariat. Articles must respect the CECIL style sheet, published online on the website, and include titles, abstracts and keywords written in English and in two other languages accepted by the journal.
The selection of the communication proposal does not necessarily lead to the publication of the article. Only articles that have passed the double-blind evaluation are published, after the vote of the editorial board (see section Selection of articles for publication).
Peer review policy and selection of articles for publication
The journal CECIL follows a double-blind selection and peer review process in the interest of equity, transparency and quality. The articles received are submitted to a double-blind peer review. The editorial board guarantees the independence and impartiality of the reviewers, who must comply with the standards of research ethics as well as those of the intellectual property code. All reviewers must inform the editor of any conflict of interest, particularly if it appears that they have recognised the author of the article submitted to them.
At the end of the peer review stage, according to the experts’ opinion, the submitted contribution,
- if both reports give a favourable statement, is submitted to the editorial board for approval
- if both experts request substantial changes, will be subject to a third assessment, once changes are made
- is rejected in the event of a double negative statement.
Please note that in the event of a strong difference of statements between the two experts’ reports, the editorial board may appoint a third expert to decide between the two reports.
Each article is presented anonymously to the entire editorial board. Acceptance or rejection of the article is subject to a vote after deliberation by the editorial board. Authors receive an e-mail informing them of the acceptance, acceptance with revisions or rejection of their article. In the latter case, authors become free to submit their article to another journal.
Ethical charter
To access to the ethics charter of CECIL, please click on this link.
CECIL implements the Creative Commons ‘CC BY-NC’ license to the texts it publishes. The intellectual property and copyright of the original content of their text belong to the authors. Authors in our journal retain copyright while granting CECIL an exclusive license to publish.
It should be noted that they remain free to reproduce and share their publications in accordance with the following restraints:
– Attribution: It is mandatory, whenever authors should reuse or reproduce a full-length article (or an extract of an article published by the journal, to mention the references of the initial publication in CECIL (title of the article, the author(s), the journal, the date, the URL) and to insert a link to the CC BY-NC license;
– Any commercial use is prohibited.
CC BY-NC 4.0 – Creative Commons
Editorial board
To view the editorial board, please click here.
Postal Address:
Revue CECIL – Université Paul-Valéry
Route de Mende s.n.
34199 Montpellier Cedex 5